Dr Bike: Surgery’s open for everyone
Thanks to London Borough Hammersmith and Fulham, Nourish Hub welcomes Dr Bike, every Wednesday from 12.45 – 3pm. The service is provided by Bike Works mechanics where experts take their time to look over, service and mend preloved bikes with lots of life left in them. Dr Bike is open to everyone in need of support with repairs or maintenance of their bikes, as a main mode of transport for many.
Nourish Hub customers benefit from the weekly service who work closely with children known to the youth justice service help upskill and retrain enabling them to learn new skills in both bike maintenance and customer service.
One recent hub user shared “I live nearby and am delighted that Dr Bike is here weekly to help children and adults alike with their bicycles. Having spoken to him [Dr Bike] about my own bicycle I’ll be taking his advice to buy innertubes which Dr Bike will then fit. I’ll be back out on the road soon.”
Ensuring that everyone has access to a safe and well-maintained bike, Will Thomson the team at Bike Works offer advice and support to all, with easy maintenance tips, and part replacement.
Tereza Harvey, Restorative Justice Practitioner at Hammersmmith and Fulham Council shared that “We were delighted to link up with the Nourish Hub through our bike tutors, who work their servicing bikes through the Dr Bike scheme. We work with young people who as part of their court orders learn to fix bicycles as a way of reparation to the wider community for the harm they have caused by their offending behaviour. Young people are taught by a qualified bike mechanics tutor and the restored bicycles donated to those in need, for example, several guests and volunteers at The Nourish Hub, amongst other charities we partner with. This project is particularly popular with our young people and meaningful in many ways, as not only they learn useful mechanics skills, but they also interact during the handovers giving the young people additional opportunity to be proud and meet new people in a positive way. For us as a service, this is a wonderful way to link up our efforts of supporting young people to not re-offend with such wonderful charity as The Nourish Hub, and to be able to promote the Nourish Hub to the families we work with.”